By Amy Fogleman, RN
During the Why Christian? Conference in Minneapolis, MN many people were asked to record a short “audio selfie” that answers the following question:
When you think of a moment of doubt or struggle, what person or experience has prompted you to ask deeper questions about your faith? How do these questions sustain you in your journey?
My answer stemmed from an experience with previous jobs where, in making an effort to work for God, deep down, I didn’t feel like I was doing all I could to fulfill the Biblical calling to serve “the least of these.” (Matt. 25:40)
With that calling I quit my job and went back to school to become a Registered Nurse. As a nurse, it has been a privilege to reach out and touch the hurting, to bring hope and healing, not only in a local hospital setting, but also worldwide through partnering and consulting with non-profit Hope Through Healing Hands. Advocating for the lives of mothers and children in underdeveloped nations is how my faith is sustained by following scripture where we are instructed to “love our neighbor” (Mark 12:31) and “to look after orphans and widows in their distress.” (James 1:27)